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  • Elle Ruminski

Opinion | NDAA Fiscal Year 2024 Bill Divides the House. Republicans are Taking it Too Far.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is a series of federal laws that set an annual budget for the U.S. Department of Defense. Every year since 1961, the NDAA has been modified to most effectively safeguard the United States and progress the overall strength and capacity of the Military Forces. For over six decades since the NDAA originated, there has been bipartisan support for the alterations to the upcoming year’s NDAA. However, this July, Republicans and Democrats clashed over the new discriminatory bans added to the Fiscal Year 2024 NDAA bill by House Republicans.

The House’s National Defense Authorization Act for 2024 is the most conservative draft of the bill in decades; the draft targets women’s abortion rights in the military, diversity protection and training, and transgender care. These changes will limit women from receiving abortions or reimbursements for abortion expenses in the military, remove equity and inclusion programs in the DOD, and refuse to cover the costs of transitions made by transgender people in the military.

Through the alterations in the FY2024 bill, Republicans in the House attempted to remove all “wokeness” from the U.S. Armed Forces. They argued that to improve the life of service members and to enhance the Department of Defense (DOD), pressing cultural movements would have to take a backseat to issues such as salaries and medical care. Democrats have become exceedingly upset by these attempted changes.

Republicans believe that by removing these progressive initiatives in the military, the funding for those programs will be redistributed to more urgent matters. The reallocated funds would give a 5.2% raise to individuals in the military, create more aggressive programs to counter Russia and China, and improve the overall strength of the military. Yet the GOP believes that to raise the necessary amount for these pursuits, funds must be taken away from helping their own troops.

The House narrowly passed the NDAA FY2024 bill with a 219-210 vote. The majority of the voters in favor of the bill were Republicans. Only four Republicans voted against the bill, while four Democrats voted for the bill.

The NDAA FY2024 bill had a small likelihood of passing the Democrat-controlled Senate, and many of the far-right Republican changes to the bill were dropped when it reached the Senate floor. Despite the extreme GOP additions being removed, the Republican Party’s agenda is still evident. They attempted to pass a completely discriminatory ban which disregards human necessities.

Democrats continue to be outraged about the bigotry of the Republican Party and their indifference to consider the needs of the U.S. troops. The extremist views of the House GOP undermine national security while disrespecting those who fight for the United States. Many Democrats stated that if the rights of women, transgender people, and people of color are not added back to the bill, their support for the final passage of the new NDAA will be unlikely. For the bill to pass, Democrats and Republicans must find a middle ground. Yet, with Republicans encouraging a conservative legislature in the DOD, a compromise in the House seems unlikely.

The different views of U.S. political parties in the House regarding the FY2024 NDAA bill is concerning. What is to come of U.S. politics if Republicans and Democrats are unable to agree upon a defense bill that had bipartisan support for over six decades? Though both sides make reputable arguments about additions to the NDAA FY2024 bill, the Republicans’ prioritization of eliminating basic care for troops take measures to unprecedented levels. Instead of attempting to recruit more individuals for the military, Republicans are more concerned with targeting basic rights for people of color, women, and transgender individuals. If anything, supporting and showing concern for the people who fight every day to protect the U.S. should take precedence. Republicans pushing for bans in the NDAA FY2024 will only make it more difficult for troops to get the care they need.

As a U.S. citizen, I can only hope Republicans realize the extreme course of cultural ignorance they are moving toward. If there is not unity and acceptance within the military, how are people supposed to fight for these same causes elsewhere? For minorities and underrepresented individuals to feel welcomed and safe, what message does that send if governmental officials actively oppose support for these people who go out of their way to protect the country?

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