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  • Iris LaMoreaux

Candidate Profile - Tim Walz

As election season is rapidly approaching, Vice President Kamala Harris has taken quick action in selecting a running mate to join her in the Democratic bid for the White House. After the most accelerated VP candidate search in moderate history, current Minnesota Governor Tim Walz surfaced victorious over top contenders such as Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, apparently to the relief of the Republican party. The 60-year-old relatable, charismatic, and progressive politician has invigorated the Democratic party since his nomination, playing the “attack dog” role for Harris at recent rallies and through social media. To Kamala Harris, Walz is “the kind of person who makes people feel like they belong and then inspires them to dream big.”

Tim Walz’s origins in the Upper Midwest and the working middle class brings a new perspective and tone to the Harris campaign. Originally from Nebraska, Walz enlisted in the Army National Guard out of high school and served a total of 24 years during his career. After receiving a degree in social science from Chadron State College in 1989, he began teaching in Nebraska before moving to Mankato, Minnesota, where he put down roots with his wife and two kids. In Mankato, Walz taught social studies at a local high school, coached the football team, and oversaw the school’s first gay-straight alliance group. 

Walz’s political career began in 2006 when he was elected into the U.S. House of Representatives—despite campaigning in a Republican-leaning congressional district—where he served for 12 years and took a moderate stance on most issues. In 2018 Walz ran for Minnesota Governor, achieving a whopping 11.4 percent victory margin over his Republican counterpart. In 2022 support for Walz remained decisive yet dropped slightly to a victory margin of 7.7 percent over opponent Scott Jensen. During his years in Minnesota office thus far, Walz has led a progressive agenda and fostered bipartisan progress across a range of topics, working towards his ultimate goal of “making Minnesota the best state in the country to raise a family.” 

As Governor, Walz is well-known for his multibillion dollar investment into public education, a main goal of which was providing free school meals for all students. Additionally, much of his effort has been directed towards protecting the personal freedoms of Minnesotans, including legalizing recreational marijuana, expanding voting rights, establishing reproductive freedom, protecting gender-affirming care as a fundamental right, and banning conversion therapy. 

Interestingly, Walz has also become a recent champion of gun safety legislation. Both a veteran and avid small-game hunter, Walz previously boasted an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA). However, since his time in the House, his views on gun control have shifted to a more liberal stance, signing multiple bills increasing gun safety measures—including one to require universal background checks for all gun purchases—as Governor. His NRA rating has since dropped to an “F”, but the VP candidate states he is okay with that knowing he is helping to keep Minnesotans safe.

As a true middle-class American, Walz has also worked to cut taxes for middle and working-class families in addition to expanding paid leave and other worker’s rights. He reflects his populist beliefs through his decisions to lower prescription drug costs, increase access to affordable housing, and minimize child poverty. Additionally, Walz has been a firm advocate of environmental protection within Minnesota, most notably by promoting electric vehicle use, banning harmful PFAS “forever chemicals,” and building a foundation for the state to operate on 100% clean electricity by 2040. In contrast, JD Vance—the Ohio Senator selected by Donald Trump to be his running mate on the Republican presidential ticket—was heavily critical of Walz’s appointment, stating that the decision “highlights just how radical Kamala Harris is” and that Walz “wants to make the American people more reliant on garbage energy instead of good, American energy.”

Critics are also eager to highlight the shortfalls of Walz’s record as Minnesota Governor. This reproval arises from his arguably subpar handling of the COVID pandemic as well as the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder in 2020. Walz reportedly delayed calling in reinforcements from the National Guard for multiple days when violence, unrest, and destruction were at its peak on the streets of Minneapolis. If faced with a similar issue as Vice President, these critics worry his slow response to crises could create irreversible nationwide damage. 

Walz’s morality has also been brought into question by Republicans. The veteran with 24 years of overseas and domestic service under his belt was called out by Vance for his “stolen valor,” in retiring from the military in sudden fashion, avoiding deployment to Iraq. Reportedly, Walz retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May 2005 in order to run for Congress, submitting his candidacy papers as early as February of the same year. His battalion was notified of a possible mobilization in March of 2005, but the official order was not provided until July—two months after Walz’s retirement. Vance and other conservatives claim he rushed the retirement process and shamefully chickened out of combat service at a time when his battalion needed him most. However, Walz affirms that it was a “very heavy” decision but he ultimately chose to redirect his efforts by supporting veterans and military families through political advocacy in Washington, D.C.

Another major drawback for Walz is that he himself is not from a swing state; however he may have considerable pull in the “blue wall” states of Wisconsin and Michigan, as well as in rural Pennsylvania—all of which will be fierce battlegrounds for electoral college votes come November. Additionally, Trump remains confident that he will be able to flip Walz’s home state of Minnesota to red, even though the state’s 10 electoral votes have not gone to a Republican since 1972 and Walz still retains high support in the state after his sound gubernatorial victories.

Walz is an animated and well-spoken candidate who broadens the appeal of the Democratic bid to a larger sector of the United States. As a Governor, coach, teacher, dad, and veteran, he has proven through his viewpoints and policies that his utmost objective is to protect the well-being of his people and community. His experience both in Congress and as Governor, as well as his status as "an older, white, straight, married, male, football coach,” adds contrast, depth, and elevated credibility to the “West Coast liberalism” that Trump claims the Harris ticket represents. The appeal of this Democratic election bid has been expanded to America’s middle class, Midwest, and rural citizens, as well as liberal, progressive, moderate, and centrist Democrats alike as a result of Walz’s appointment. In addition to his record of working to unify both the Democratic party and the nation, Walz has proven himself capable of effective bipartisan cooperation, which opens the Harris-Walz campaign up to support from moderate and centrist conservatives as well. 

Prior to his selection as Harris’s running mate, Walz was relatively unknown nationally, with 71% of American adults reporting they had never heard of him. Since then, Walz has energized the country and quickly formed a reputation around his progressive views and his articulate and ambitious disposition. He has gotten under the skin of his opposition, famously mocking Trump and characterizing the Republican bid as  “weird,” during an interview on MSNBC, a slogan that the Harris campaign has fully embraced. As expected, Walz has dealt with his fair share of criticism in response. MAGA labeled Walz an “incompetent liberal” in a mass email, and Trump himself responded by dubbing the Harris-Walz ticket the “the most Radical Left duo in American history.”

From what I have learned about Tim Walz this week as his media presence has spiked, I believe his previous work in Minnesota reflects well on his character. He presents himself in a genuine and passionate manner on the national stage, and it is clear that his goal is to build a better, brighter, and healthier future for our country. It is refreshing to read about a candidate who both acknowledges and addresses head-on the issues of combating climate change and improving the lives of America’s middle class and below. Additionally, the progressive stance he has taken both on abortion and gun safety, among other policies, further demonstrates how Walz looks out for the good of his citizens. His homegrown background as a father, veteran, teacher, coach, and experienced politician further contribute to my endorsement of the Harris-Walz ticket as I trust that he represents an authentic and reliable American perspective.

However, I believe this same heart-felt enthusiasm and progressive ideology that has done so much good for the state of Minnesota could very well be Walz’s downfall. There seems to be no compromise in his mind on contentious issues such as abortion and voting rights, and for Republicans already skeptical of Kamala Harris’s liberalism, Walz’s addition to the Democratic bid only perpetuates their ultra-progressive agenda and further estranges them from conservative values. And whether this is reality or simply an exaggerated portrayal by conservatives meant to impair Walz’s image, it has the potential to severely hinder support for Harris. Additionally, though the “weird” movement sparked by Walz has reinstated crucial vigor and liveliness into the Democratic party, I do not believe his comment is a good reflection of his potential to unite this country instead of further divide it. In simply taking into consideration Harris’s potential for success this November, a smarter running mate appointment may have been a candidate with higher approval ratings and more moderate views, such as Mark Kelly—though I admit I am not as familiar with his policies or values—to create appeal to Americans across a more expansive array of political alignments. A shift in Walz’s messaging and campaign strategy, which seems unlikely, could achieve a similar effect. With this said, even as the Harris-Walz ticket stands currently, the momentum is shifting to blue and it will be intriguing to see if this carries on into election season.

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